Temtem (2022)
“Temtem was an incredible chance to design a whole game from scratch. The player travels through six islands floating in the sky, collecting creatures - that was my whole brief! I enjoyed total freedom to create each island: its culture, its landscape and settlements, all the little things that make places feel unique and lived-in.
It was a rare pleasure to be able to develop the islands and the main quest simultaneously, so the action matches the scenario and vice versa. I also had a load of fun introducing darker elements to such a bubbly world, and touches of off-beat humor through sidequests, funky characters, item descriptions… and more Easter eggs than you can throw a TemCard at.
All that makes Temtem the most “me” game I’ve worked in. I still can’t believe they let me get away with all that…”
Client: Crema Games
Involved: 2017-2023 (including updates)
Genre: Creature-collection MMORPG
Capacities: Narrative Designer, Writer, Quest Designer, Environment Designer
Main Highlights:
Designed the whole in-game universe from the ground up, including 6 cultures.
Designed and written the entire, 40+ hour main questline, plus 120+ sidequests.
Conceptualized and wrote all the dialog for 2,000 individual NPCs in a custom Unity editor.
Wrote 1,000s of lines of lore, item descriptions, etc, for a total content of over 400K words.