Pharaonic (2016)
“Pharaonic was my first commercial project. The game was pretty much finished by the time I was brought in, so the main goal was to fit a story around levels and enemies already in place.
In true Souls style, all of it was conveyed exclusively through a few terse dialogs with NPCs and item descriptions. My goal was to provide tantalising glimpses of that story simmering under the surface, rather than indulge in massive infodumps. The plot was a Lovecraftian take on the Hykso-Egyptian wars of the 16th century BC, keeping a dark, ominous tone throughout the game.”
Client: Milkstone Studios
Involved: 2015-2016
Genre: Soulslike Beat’Em-Up
Capacities: Writer
Main Highlights:
Designed a general worldbuilding for the game, as well as some final boss concepts.
Wrote 1,500+ lines of NPC dialogs, as well as item and weapon descriptions.