Wildermyth (2021)

“I wrote some of the very first quests of Wildermyth, back in 2018. Wildermyth is a very unique RPG in that the content the player sees is procedurally generated depending on many factors: the team, the stats of each character, and other variables. Consequently, creating quests for it was unlike any other RPG, since you had to allow for many different outcomes, and adapt the dialog and story around those variables.

Quest creation also involved working with the comic editor, something I enjoyed a lot given my younger self’s experiments with writing graphic novel scripts.”

Client: Worldwalker Games

Involved: 2018

Genre: RPG

Capacities: Quest Designer, Writer

Main Highlights:

  • Created a first batch of quests for the game.


Altered Alma


VRTogether (Episode 2)