Altered Alma (TBA)
“I was in charge of the first version of Altered Alma. Our working concept was "cyberpunk Barcelona”, so I focused on the physical locations in the city and how they might have (d)evolved into dystopian locations, and how this could inform the plot and characters.
For instance, I designed the alien race Sarg’n-Tana based on the antique lizard sculptures of Parc Güell, and transformed the famous Sagrada Familia cathedral into a Mafia-controlled den of gambling and sin. These places really set the vibe, carried by a cast of off-kilter characters that our protagonist bumps into while looking for a way to repair her ship and leave this crazy city in one piece. It was fun to take something mundane that I know very well (the city of Barcelona) and turn it into something so wild and bizarre.”
Client: 2Awesome Studio
Involved: 2019-2020
Genre: Metroidvania
Capacities: Narrative Designer, Writer
Main Highlights:
Designed the first version of the game, including the main questline and main NPCs
Wrote the whole first version of the game, including all NPC dialogs.